About our company with its rich tradition
Our success is based on continuous innovation, technological excellence and the highest quality standards. Thanks to the constant transfer of knowledge from experienced employees to the next generation, we can always draw on in-depth specialist knowledge. In combination with flat hierarchies and open communication, we create an environment in which our employees can develop to their full potential.
Join us in shaping the future of a global company with a long tradition. Benefit from the opportunities offered by our many years of expertise in the steel industry.
Current job offers
Here you will find vacancies and exciting career opportunities at Salzgitter Mannesmann International GmbH. Benefit from the opportunities in a traditional company with decades of experience in the steel industry.
Instandhalter / Betriebselektriker (w/m/d)
Universal Eisen und Stahl GmbH ǀ Hannover ǀ Niedersachsen
Trader internationaler Stahlhandel (w/m/d)
Salzgitter Mannesmann International GmbH ǀ Mülheim an der Ruhr ǀ Nordrhein-Westfalen
Sachbearbeiter Vertrieb (w/m/d)
Universal Eisen und Stahl GmbH ǀ Hannover ǀ Niedersachsen
CNC-Maschinenbediener (w/m/d)
Universal Eisen und Stahl GmbH ǀ Hannover ǀ Niedersachsen
Your training with traditional steel experts
Start your professional career with sound training in a company that can look back on over 160 years of experience in the steel industry. With us, you will acquire practical specialist knowledge that covers the entire value chain from raw material extraction to finishing.
Experienced trainers pass on their know-how to you so that you are optimally prepared for your career start. State-of-the-art training workshops and innovative learning concepts enable high-quality, cutting-edge training. You will also get to know the open corporate culture and flat hierarchies of a long-established international company right from the start.
Your application
Your informative application is the first important step in finding a job with us.
Getting to know us
Once we have received your convincing documents, we will be happy to invite you to a personal interview.
Signing the contract
Confirmation to the applicant and signing of the contract
Welcome to the
Hereingehört - Was macht ein IT-Projektleiter?
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